One Good Thought a Day

Saturday, September 20, 2008


One of the greatest gift one can give to onself is the ability to be contented in life. At the end of the day, we are going to look back and ask ourselves how contented and happy we were in life.

No matter what we achieve in life there will always be something that we missed, and something that we failed to do. What's the point at looking at things that are not perfect and fretting about it? We should look at the brighter side of life and be happy. There are so many things going well for us that should give us contentment.

Let's always try to better ourselves and rise higher. But at ths same time, let's appreciate all the good things in us, and be contented.


Monday, July 28, 2008

Humanity over professionalism

We spend so much time at work and thinking about worklife that these days our worklife define our life. Habits, values and principles that apply to work seem to take precedence over those of personal life. One thing that is valued at work is "professionalism". Professionalism is very important value that we look up to at work. However should professionalism transcend humanity? Should professionalism transcend genuine goodness of heart? I don't think so. I think humanity transcends all human values (or most of them). Compassion and consideration should be more important than professionalism, even at work.

Oh! I would like to add that I value professionlism very highly and consider it very important quality that one should practise and develop.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Developing equanimity

One need to be able to develop quality of not getting affected by events big and small. Equanimity is the foundation of a well-spent life.

Regular exercise for good health

10 minutes of exercise and 10 minutes of meditation everyday will go a long way in maintaining good health and enhancing quality of life.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Resilience & Perseverence

The ability to come back and continue to fight after initial set backs and the ability to continue to work despite adversities are two very important qualities for long-term success. Going is never always smooth. There are times when one faces set backs, sometimes on account of one's own lapses. One must have the ability to come back and do one's work to the best of one's ability after facing a setback. Similarly one must have the ability to persevere when the going is tough.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


A belief that one always does the right thing and is not carried away by indolence and sentiments is at the basis of confidence

Monday, March 27, 2006

Means and Ends

Often what we learn and experience from an action is totally different from what we expected when we thought of it. The results of our actions are very often unexpected. That is one more reason why our actions have to be justifiable on their own right and not by the results they produce.

We often say, "Ends don't justify means". The means have to worthy not because they produce some end result that is desirable. The means have to be defendible independent of the results they produce.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Way to live

There is only one way to lead one's life - Do the very best every moment.